Chicago taxi

Chicago’s Plans on Mobile App for Taxi Services Approved

Some months back, we came out with an article that mentioned how the new Uber taxi service was wreaking havoc among the taxis in Chicago. Not only did we talk about the actual service but we also delved into the how and why it was so popular, along with some information on the pros and cons of such a service. The taxi drivers in the city were predictably not happy with Uber and how it was “stealing” customers from them but now, they might actually have a fighting chance.

Universal Taxi App Etc.

In an effort to help taxi drivers in the city gain the upper hand with ridesharing services like Uber, Chicago has approved a plan to become sponsor to an app that riders can use to contact local cabs should they need a cab to ride. This measure was put in place as part of a larger package that include, among others, financial support for local taxi operators in the area. The measure also included free breaks for cab drivers and this was supported by Mayor Rahm Emmanuel.

Brains behind the plan was a union that expanded to include cab drivers and organized Chicago just this 2014 pushed really hard for the approval of the package.

According to Chicago Councilman Emma Mitts, who happens to be a co-sponsor for the ordinance, this new package which includes the app is their way of levelling the playing field between cabs and ridesharing services.

Uber Growing

Looking at how Uber is used, it comes as no surprise that the mobile app for local taxis in Chicago is what they consider the best way to level the playing field. After all, Uber does have an app that lets people with mobile phones call drivers—and it is growing in a massive scale all over the world. However, some concerns have been raised as to how fair this is to cabs and also, some buzz has been heard about how safe these Uber drivers are and how the company uses the data they gather from users. The last issue is what has gotten Uber banned from some parts of countries like the US, Thailand, and India.

When asked to comment about the proposed app by the Chicago government for the local cabs, Uber did not have a direct reply. However, they did choose to say that the efficiency of its service, along with the safety, are far superior than what the local taxi industry had to offer.

App Release

There is no word yet on how the mobile app for local taxis in Chicago will be administered and who will be paying for the app. Right now, it is in the planning and development changes. However, we are happy to note that Chicago is the first city to do this and it might just be what their local taxi drivers need in order to hold their own against ridesharing services. In fact, some taxi drivers have acknowledged this first step and have confessed that they are excited about it. However, for a fully developed app that can summon local taxis Universal Taxi already has the answer and you can check that here.