
Why Choose Universal Taxi Cabbies

To get around Chicago, getting a cab is one of the most popular options. With the rise of competing services like ridesharing services, it has become harder to choose what the best option truly is not just in terms of popularity, but in terms of safety and convenience as well.

What gives cab companies the edge? Here are a few reasons why Chicago cabbies are still the better option:

  • Stamp of Approval. Before being given the chance to drive a cab around the city, a cabbie driver would have to go through so much just to make sure that they are truly qualified to take passengers from point A to point B. The city grants a medallion to allow a cab to be operated, and the driver should pass a series of tests to qualify. Aside from a strict physical exam, cab drivers would also have to ace an English exam. They also have to pass background checks, and they would need a clean driving record to qualify. This ensures that your cab driver knows what they are doing, and understands their roles and responsibilities well.
  • Safety and Security. Aside from the strict requirements to be allowed to drive a cab, cab companies are also required to pay insurance enough to cover any costs in case you meet any untoward accidents. Cabs are also supposed to be in top shape all the time to avoid accidents caused by any form of malfunction. Cabs are replaced every four years to ensure that this is enforced, something that other services such as rideshare companies do not require.
  • Cabs give passengers the convenience of being able to book a taxi without having to go out into the streets to hail one. You can call a taxi hotline, or you can book a taxi online. Companies like Universal Taxi also have an app that you can install on your smartphone, allowing you to go online and request for a cab wherever you are. The app notifies drivers of your location, making it quicker to get in touch with them with just a few taps on your mobile gadget.
  • Customer Service. Universal Taxi takes good care of their drivers, making sure that they are more than happy to give passengers the kind of service they deserve (credit miller). Cab companies also ensure that passengers are given the right to give feedback in case they do not like the service they received, giving room for improvement so that their next experience would be far better than the last.

With these benefits, Chicago cabbies are still your best bet in getting around the city.